Everyone is on a journey, including me.
I certainly don’t have all the answers, but I believe life is about loving, learning, and experiencing new things. Let me share a few thoughts about my own path.
First of all, I have been around for a while working on getting better at helping others get better. I love to learn, to explore, to grow, and to stretch myself, and I seek to inspire others to do the same. I view my work with clients as a partnership in discovery, starting with wherever they are now and focusing on where they want to get to. I also learn from each client as I share in their journey and that keeps my work exciting and rewarding.
In addition to my clinical practice, I have worked as an internal consultant for three major corporations. I also co-founded and ran a leadership development company and worked with leaders from for-profit and non-profit industries for eight years. At this stage of my career, I have narrowed my focus to writing, counseling, and coaching in the areas of emotional and spiritual well-being.
As you can see from this website and my newsletter, I am working on the project of writing my next book, focused on understanding various Perspectives of Grace: An Integral Path for Healing Religious Shame. I am drawing on my own experiences and those of many clients who have struggled with religious shaming. It is an area of passion for me, and I have spent several years reading and researching on this topic. I hope you will join me on the journey.
Things I am dedicated to:
- Growing in faith and spiritual awareness
- Being a loving husband, father, and grandfather
- Expanding capacity for myself and others to be more loving and courageous
- Inspiring imagination and genius
- Continuous learning
- Being the best counselor, coach, author, and leader that I can be
- Cycling, skiing, and outdoor fun
- Friendship, music, travel, laugher
- Advanced degrees in psychology, social work, and human resource development
- Certified leadership coach
- Member of NASW
I realize this is just a snapshot and it is sometimes hard to know who to trust or to work with. Feel free to contact me with any additional questions you may have.
Warm regards,