Please note: It will be very helpful to read the two articles on Colors Of Faith for context before reading the articles written later.  Thank you. Enjoy!

The Vision for Healing and Restoration

These days I feel sad and sometimes angry as we witness the name of Christianity being used and manipulated for political gain.  Many Christians at the traditional, blue level on the spiral are sincere believers who are being used and sometimes abused...

Original Shame

Sitting near the front of the church with my parents and near the other kids my age, the visiting evangelist at our little conservative church declared boldly and loudly that unless we came forward to accept Jesus into our hearts we were going straight to hell,...

The Spiral Path

I’m sitting in my certain space, observing all the world. I’m comfortable and safe within, the word of God unfurled. I know the right, beliefs held dear, because my view is crystal clear. I hear the voice so faint and far, it seems to know my name. There’s more to...

Colors of Faith – The Integral Tier

Colors of Faith – Tier Two In this newsletter I will introduce the entry level of what is called the second tier of the Integral Framework.  Please see my previous newsletter if you want to review the levels of the first tier.  I previously compared...

The Colors of Faith

We all know we are living in a time of great conflicts and divisions that play out in the areas of religion, politics, and culture. In this newsletter I will briefly introduce the Integral Framework, that has been so helpful to me and many others.  The Integral...

Healing Religious Shame Introduction

Dear friends and clients of Tom King at,  Because of my own experiences and those of many of my counseling and coaching clients over the years, I have developed a special interest in helping people heal from religious shaming.  Many of us have...