Please note: It will be very helpful to read the two articles on Colors Of Faith for context before reading the articles written later.  Thank you. Enjoy!

These days I feel sad and sometimes angry as we witness the name of Christianity being used and manipulated for political gain.  Many Christians at the traditional, blue level on the spiral are sincere believers who are being used and sometimes abused by both sides of the political spectrum, in different ways.  The message of the gospel gets lost and distorted in the process while the voices of shame are on full display.  On the one side we hear things like only those who look like us and follow our beliefs are welcome and worthy of being a part of this country, this church, or this group.  On the other hand, we hear ridicule that says those ignorant and self-righteous Christians only care about themselves and are trying to destroy our country.  What is missingis reasonable, rational, respectful conversations and the willingness to cooperate, compromise, or at least be open to real solutions.

Shame based systems always create dysfunction and the impacts of shame are pain, destruction, and more shameful behaviors.  Collectively we are all experiencing unnecessary divisions, hostility, and violence. Our beloved planet is being destroyed by greed and ignorance and we are now seeing increasing climate chaos and overall insecurity and instability around the world.  Individually, shame creates pain and sensitivities within us that set off anger, anxiety, condemnation of self and others, and avoidance of the things we fear and hate.  We can and must do better, but how?

Solutions to most of our problems will not be political, but we desperately need good public policies to be a part of the way forward.  Solutions will not primarily come from science, but we do need scientific advances to be a part of it.  Healing of shame engages the deep core of us as we confront and grow through our pain and fears and wounds.  The gospel calls us to turn to God for help, to repent, which means to change or turn ourselves around, and be willing to seek forgiveness from God and one another, and follow the way of love that Jesus taught.  Integral psychology calls us to work on our personal growth, to move up the spiral and begin to see the worth and value in ourselves and in people at all levels and from all cultures.  

The healing of shame needs to be integral, including spiritual, emotional, behavioral, relational, and cultural growth and change.  This is a journey, and evolution is not a straight line and can be painfully slow. Nonetheless we must stay the course and not lose faith.  Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee, author and spiritual teacher, calls this the seed of hope for our future.  He states that “real social and environmental work, like real spiritual work, involves facing the darkness with our feet on the ground, accepting the truth that the journey will be hard and long, as well as full of unexpected miracles and unexplained magic”.  We need to envision a healthier future and daily show up with courage, practice simple acts of kindness and generosity, and recognize that we are not separate from one another or from the earth.

Visualization, preparation, and healthy practices are critical parts of healing shame and co-creating something new and beautiful.  We may not notice immediate results but the seeds we plant will grow as we tend to them faithfully.  Below is a reflection piece I wrote several years ago that seems to fit for these times. 
Therapy Tip

There is a Time
There is a time and place for all that you need.  Do not worry if that time is not now for you can create with your mind what you will later experience when all is ready.  For now, you may need to live in the unanswered questions and the visions of your deepest desires.  Enjoy the pleasure of your dreams as you wait.  Waiting is not passive, it is preparation.  Prepare your mind by learning what you need to learn.  Prepare your heart by walking through your fears into the realization that all is well.  Prepare by acting on your guidance, internal and external, to arrive where you are ready to receive.  Allow yourself to recognize, walk into, and embrace what has been waiting there to delight you.  Soak in the gift of being showered with the love that has manifested in a surprising and perfect way.